Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-[USA] Political Science The State Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-(USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  Contemporary historical sociology looks at: 

1.How societies developed before the middle ages

2. Interaction between states, classes, capitalism and war

3.It does not look at feminism and post-modernism

4.Both (a) and (b)

  How do post-modernists react to the criticism that their theories are too theoretical and not concerned with the real world?

1.In the social world there is no such thing as real

2.It doesnt matter that its too theoretical

3.Theory is the instrument of change

4.None of the above

  In yecent years which of the following developments have undermined realism? 

1.Neo-liberal institutionalism



4.All of the above

  Radical liberals place importance on: 

1.The civilizing capacity of global civil society

2.Rule of law and institutions

3.International laws

4.All of the above

  The three main theories comprising the inter-paradigm debate were based on which positivist assumption? 

1.The three main theories comprising the inter-paradigm debate were based on which positivist assumption?

2.That social science should aim to use the same methodology as science

3.That human beings are rational

4.None of the above

  What are the main concerns of the members of the Frankfurt School? 

1.The social basis and nature of authoritarianism

2.The structure of the family

3.The concepts of reason and rationality

4.All of the above

  What is necessary before a rule can be considered customary international law?

1.Evidence of general state practice

2.That it is enshrined in a treaty

3.Evidence that states accept such practice as law

4.Both (b) and (c)

  What is the materialist conception of history? 

1.Processes of historical change are a reflection of the economic development of a society

2.Processes of economic change are based in history

3.Processes of historical change are based in class war

4.None of the above

  Which background factors sponsor the rise of constructivism? 

1.The rise of liberalism

2.The end of the cold war, which triggered the prominence of non-traditional security issues, transnationalism, human rights

3.The rise of Islam

4.None of the above

 According to David Held what would a  comopolitan model of democracy  entail? 

1.The creation of regional parliaments

2.Human rights conventions must be entrenched into national parliaments and monitored by a new International Court of Human Rights

3.Reform and/or replacement of the UN with a more accountable global parliaments and monitored by a new International Court of Human Rights

4.All of the above

 Gramsci shifted the focus of Marxist analysis through which of the following ideas? 

1.Hegemony is a product of the lack of class conflict

2.That consents for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced through the operation of hegemony

3.Both (a) and (b)

4.None of the above

 Neo-liberals share with neo-realists their belief in: 

1.The anarchic international structure and centrality of states

2.Theory of international regimes

3.That anarchy does not mean durable patterns of cooperation are impossible

4.All of the above

 What are the causes of diffusion of social institutions? 

1.Coercion and strategic competition

2.Formal and informal pressures: symbolic or economic

3.Recommendation of professional associations and expert communities

4.All of the above

 What are the core assumptions of neo-realists? 

1.The structure of the system is a major determinant of actor behaviour

2.States are rational factors, selecting strategies to maximize benefits and minimize losses

3.The most critical problem presented by anarchy is survival

4.All of the above

 What is understood by  survival ? 

1.The need to provide shelter, nutrition and education in a state

2.It is the supreme national interest to which all political leaders must adhere

3.The primary objective of all states

4. Both (b) and c

According to critical theorists, what is  emancipation ? 

1.A reconciliation with power

2. Humanity gaining power over nature

3.A reconciliation with nature

4.None of the above

According to Robert Keohane, what is the greatest weakness of the reflective schools? 

1.The lack of a clear reflective program that could be employed by students of world politics

2.The lack of quantitative evidence to prove their assertions

3.The lack of qualitative data to prove their assertions

4.None of the above

Antonio Gramsci s view of power is: 

1.It comes out of a barrel of a gun

2.It is a mixture of coercion and consent

3.It is purely economic

4.None of the these

Define Collective Security 

1.Each state in a system abides by international law

2. Each state in a system accepts that security for one is security for all and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression

3.Each state in a system contributes to collective security by maximizing its security self-interest

4.None of the above

Derrida argues that:

1.The world can be grasped using a rationalist approach

2.The world cannot be grasped but has to be interpreted

3.The world is inexplicable

4.The view of the world depends on your position in society

Edward Said argues in his book Orientalism:

1. That knowledge and material power can be separated but only be those from the Orient

2.That knowledge and material power cannot be separated

3.That Western culture was fundamentally interttwined with imperialism and hegemonically represented the East

4.Both (b) and (c)

Foucault focuses on the power-knowledge relationship and sees the two as:


2. Mutually constitutive


4.None of the above

he key distinction in normative theory is between: 

1.Cosmopolitanism and communitarianism

2.Cosmopolitanism and post modernism

3.Feminism and post modernism

4.Communitarianism and post modernism

How did constructivism offer new insight into the study of international relations? 

1.It focused on the decision-makers and their backgrounds

2.It looked at how diplomatic institutions are constructed

3.It demonstrated how attention to norms and states identities could help uncover previously neglected

4.None of the above

How has the nature and scope of international society been conditioned by international legal instruments?

1.They have defined the nature of legitimate statehood

2.They have clarified the bounds of rightful state action, international and domestic

3. B. Legal instruments have given it a code of ethics, and a universal standard of order

4.Both (b) and (c)

How important is the security dilemma for realist understandings of world politics? 

1.Very important, as it determines how, or if, a balance of power emerges

2. Very important, as it determines if balance of power emerges naturally or must be constructed

3.Important, but not crucial to realist understandings of world politics

4. Both (a) and (b)

Immanuel Wallerstein argues: 

1.There are two types of world systems: world-empires and world economies

2.The modern world system is a world economy

3.The world system has a core, semi-periphery and periphery

4.All of the above

Marxist see globalization as: 

1.An anomaly in the history of the development of capitalism

2.A part of long-term trends in the development of capitalism

3.Something to be prevented

4.None of the above

Post-colonial feminists:

1. Work on gender, race and class on a global scale

2.Look into how femininity is constructed

3.Suggest that liberal feminists have in some cases been cultural imperialists

4.Both (a) and (c)

Realists are: 

1.Advocates of aggressive foreign policy and war

2. Supporters of war when it is necessary to further a rational understanding of the national interest

3.Concerned with economic development only

4.Afraid terrorism will make the world a less secure place

The claims of liberalism are: 

1.All citizens are juridically equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, religious tolerance

2.The legislative assembly of the state possess only those powers vested in it by the people

3.Liberty of the individual is the right to own property including productive forces

4.All of the above

The idea of  Democratic Peace  is: 

1.A central plank of liberal internationalist thought

2.That liberal polities exhibit restraint in their relations with other liberal polities

3.That liberal polities are imprudent in relations with authoritarian states

4.All of the above

Theories can be distinguished according to whether they are: 

1.Explanatory or constitutive

2.Foundational or anti-foundational

3.Liberal or anti-liberal

4.Both (a) and (b)

Under what conditions will states create international institutions?

1. For mutual gains

2.Only where position relative to other states is not affected

3.They arise as reflections of identities and interest of states and groups which are themselves forged though interactions

4.Depends on the school of thought

What are stories about of diffusion? 

1.Explanations about how particular organizational models, practices, norms, strategies, or beliefs spread within a population

2.Ides of how an ideology becomes widespread

3.An obscure mechanical problem in automobiles

4.None of the above

What are the core assumptions of neo-liberals? 

1. States seek to maximize absolute gains through cooperation

2.The greatest obstacle to cooperation is cheating

3.States will shift loyalty to institutions if they are seen as mutually beneficial and if they provide states with increasing opportunities to secure their international interests

4.All of the above

What are the distinctive characteristics of international legal arguments?

1.They tend to be bound by the policies of states

2.They are limited to the scope of the legislation at hand

3.They are rhetorical as well as logical

4.Both (b) and (c)

What are the distinctive characteristics of the modern institution of international law?

1.A peculiar language of reasoning and argument

2.Multilateral form of legislation

3.A strong discourse of institutional autonomy

4.All of the above

What are the reasons to think that the 21st century will be a realist century? 

1.Africa is still plagued by civil conflict

2.Europe continues to be divided by national interests

3.Human rights assumptions are increasingly seen as a Western agenda backed by economic dollars and military divisions

4.Both (b) and (c)

What are the three levels of institutions in modern international society?

1.States, NGOs, IGOs

2.Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions, and regimes

3.Local, national and international

4.None of the above

What are the three stages of the life cycle of norms? 

1.Norm imposition, norm rejection, norm decline

2.Norm emergence, norm rejection norm internalisation

3.Norm emergence, norm climax norm decline

4.None of the above

What are the three types of liberalism? 

1. Liberalism, neo-liberalism and post-liberalism

2. Northern liberalism, southern liberalism and compassionate liberalism

3.Commercial liberalism, republican liberalism and sociological liberalism

4.Neo-liberal internationalism, sociological liberalism, liberal institutionalism

What disciplines did constructivists draw from? 


2.Classical political philosophy

3.Sociological theory

4.Micro economics

What does Jus and bellum means?

1.Justice and Beauty

2. Justice and Order

3.The principle that states must observe treaties

4.Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force to or wage war

What does structural adjustment involve?

1. Measures to reduce inflation

2.Measures to curb government expenditure


4.All of the above

What is Dependency Theory?

1.Economic activity in the richer countries often leads to serious economic problems in the poorer countries

2.Economics development of poorer countries is positively dependent on economical growth of richer countries

3.Economic growth is beneficial to al

4.None of the above

What is globalization according to Waltz?  

1.A great opportunity for free trade to expand in the world

2.A fad of the 1990s

3.The new international order

4.A force that causes states to lose control over their institutions

What is left out of the  neo-neo  debate? 

1.The role of domestic politics

2.The possibility leaders learn from their experiences

3.Political globalization and the shift of political activity away from the state

4.All of the above

What is legal positivism?

1.The idea that legal rules have legitimacy when from their logical and practical derivation form a fundamental grundnorm

2.The idea that natural law is no different than positive law, and that they are interdependent

3.The inea that authority of legal rules comes from their status as the commands of a sovereign authority

4.Both (b) and (c)

What is meant by national security?

1.Security of a country defined in socio-economic terms

2.Security largely defined in militarized terms

3.Security based on a countrys domestic politics

4.None of the above

What is meant by the Washington Consensus?

1.The consensus in Washington about matters of foreign policy

2.The ten point guideline to liberal economic reform for development around the world

3.The ten point guideline for economic growth in Europe

4. The ten point neo-liberal guideline for progress in the US

What is social theory concerned with? 

1.It is concerned with the interaction of individuals with international agents

2.It is concerned with how to conceptualise the relationship between agents and structures

3.It is concerned with the way government structures determine social and individual behaviour

4.All of the above

What is the main role of the World Bank?

1.To be a forum for trade and liberalization

2. To assist countries in drvelopment

3.To facilitate private investment around the world

4.All of the above

What is the mercantilist view of IPE?

1.The world economy is where states seek to maximize their wealth and independence relative to other states

2. The world economy is an arena of capitalist competition in which social groups are always in conflict

3.Free trade and free movement of capital shape the policies of governments and economic factors

4.None of the above

What is the relationship between base and superstructure? 

1.The change in the economic base of a society leads to the change in superstructure

2.The change in superstructure leads to the change in the economic base of a society

3.Both (a) and (b)

4.Neither (a) nor (b)

What is the state of war? 

1.A state that is aggressive and always building up its military

2.The conditions when there is no actual conflict but a permanent cold war that could become a real war at any time

3.A situation in which several or neighboring states are at war

4.None of the above

Why are game-theoretic approaches so suited to  neo-neo  work? 

1.Because game-theoretic approaches are easier to understand

2.Game-theoretic approaches are not suited to realist work

3.Because this approach allows an analysis of relative and absolute gains, which is a central point of the neo-neo debate

4.None of the above

Why do states undertake protectionist measures?

1.To assist private in vestment

2.To keep competitive foreign goods from flooding the market

3.To keep stable exchange rates

4.All of the above

Why has it been a particularly American phenomenon? 

1.Because the brain-drain has resulted in most academics in International Relations to be in American institutions

2.Because it is a debate among rule makers , and the United States needs to define a direction for its approach to foreign policy

3.Because the US is today s hegemony

4.All of the above

Why has the neo-neo debate dominated international theory? 

1.The debate has not dominated international theory?

2.Because it represents a debate between paradigms that define an agenda for research, policymaking, the field of study

3.Because academics want to keep the debate alive by inventing new theories

4.None of the above

Why is uncertainty so crucial to the realist account of security?

1. Because it causes the system to be anarchic

2.Because it leads to lack of trust in the international system

3. Because it changes the balance of power in the international system

4.None of the above


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  5. (USA) Political Science Fascism Set-2
  6. (USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-1
  7. (USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-2
  8. (USA) Political Science Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Set 1
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  10. (USA) Political Science The State Set-1
  11. [USA] Political Science The State Set-2
  12. (USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-1
  13. (USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-2
  14. (USA) Political Science Cabinet Government
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  16. (USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-3
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  20. [USA] Political Science USA Constitution Set 1
  21. [USA] Political Science USA Constitution Set 2
  22. (USA) Political Science USA Constitution Set 3
  23. [USA] Political Science USA Constitution Set 4
  24. [USA] Political Science India Constitution Set-1
  25. [USA] Political Science India Constitution Set-2
  26. [USA] Political Science India Constitution Set-3
  27. (USA) Political Science Muslim Political Thoughts AL-Farabi
  28. USA) Political Science India Constitution Set-4
  29. (USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set-1
  30. (USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set-2
  31. Political Science Sovereignty Of State Set-1
  32. (USA) Political Science Sovereignty Of State Set 2
  33. (USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set 1
  34. USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-2
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  36. (USA) Political Science Democracy Set-2
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  41. (USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-2
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  43. (USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set-2
  44. (USA) Political Science State of Local Govt
  45. (USA) Political Science Constitutional Development And National Movement in Subcontinent
  46. (USA) Political Science France Constitution Set-1
  47. (USA) Political Science State of Local Gov
  48. Political Science Al-Mawardi Muslim Political Thoughts
  49. Political Science PLATO
  50. Political Science Rule Of Law Muslim Political Thoughts
  51. (USA) Political Science France Constitution set-2
  52. (USA) Political Science France Constitution set-3
  53. (USA) Political Science France Constitution set-4
  54. (USA) Political Science Ibn-e-Khaldun
  55. (USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-1
  56. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-1
  57. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-2
  58. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-3
  59. (USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-2
  60. (USA) Political Science The Rights Set-1
  61. (USA) Political Science The Rights Set-2
  62. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-5
  63. (USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-4
  64. (USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-1
  65. (USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set-2
  66. (USA) Political Science Equality
  67. (USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-1
  68. (USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group. Set -2
  69. Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-1
  70. Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-2
  71. Political Science Marxian Socialism
  72. Political Science England Constitution Set-2
  73. Political Science England Constitution Set-3
  74. Political Science England Constitution Set-4
  75. Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution
  76. (USA) Political Science International Law Set-1
  77. USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-2
  78. USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-3
  79. (USA) Political Science International Law Set-2
  80. (USA) Political Science Aristotle
  81. (USA) Political Science Bureaucracy
  82. (USA) Political Science England Constitution
  83. (USA) Political Science USA Federalism
  84. Economics Utility and Consumer Behavior
  85. Indian Polity & Constitution MCQs Part 1
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